The Medicine Wheel is a large circle of stones built upon the ground and is honored as a Sacred Ceremonial Space. To all Native people, the Medicine Wheel is a symbolic representation of the Universe. Everything in the Universe is part of this great circle.

The Medicine Wheel has its roots in the very earliest period of human history. Before the Europeans inhabited this continent, there were as many as 20,000 Medicine Wheels that once existed. Their principles remained untouched until recent years. It appeared that the knowledge and wisdom had been lost, it was however, guarded and protected. Today, there is a revival of this ancient wisdom. A revival that was foretold in the legends and prophesies of the Native people.

Different tribes and different cultures have varied ways of dividing the Medicine Wheel into its various aspects, although most tribes share a universal principle underlying the practices of the Medicine Wheel. The principle is demonstrated through an understanding of their connection to the earth and to the Creator.

The Native American people universally believed in the power inherent in all living things. They believed that everything has a purpose. Each aspect of life was endowed with some power because each one was alive. This “power”, or vital energy force, that is within all forms of Nature, could be drawn upon and directed in times of need. The primary purpose of the Medicine Wheel was to imbue the Native Americans with the spiritual powers of the circle. These powers were the “medicine” the Native people received from nature. The Native American people view all humans, rocks, plants, trees, and animals as their relations. All are seen as a universal family, and each one has a particular trait, gift, power, or medicine to give.

The Native Americans knew about the power of the circle, to them all of life flowed in a circle. They regarded the circle as the principal symbol for understanding life’s mysteries, for they observed that the circle was impressed everywhere throughout Nature. The cycles of life were naturally observed and celebrated. The term “wheel” is referred to as a circle or spiral of power.

Each direction and each position on the wheel is represented by a certain animal, plant, mineral, and color that is symbolic of the power of that direction. The Medicine Wheel teaches us how to observe and listen to all these, and how each one of these can help us in our own life. The Native people believe that life and living is in movement, advancement, and change.

The Medicine Wheel gives you something concrete, more tangible and more powerful to interact with, gaining wisdom and direction in connecting with your unique spirit and the powers of creation in contemporary contexts. It provides a path to personal wholeness and integrity. It can teach proper balance with the Earth, with our selves, with each other, and with all kingdoms fostering intercultural harmony and a more fulfilling life.

Ask yourself what type of future do I desire, what personal goals do I want to achieve, and how can this be obtained?  The Medicine Wheel like a road map can give you direction, to find yourself, to know where you are going and how to gather support in seeking your true aspirations. The emotional, mental, physical and spiritual guidance provides the strength and courage to venture out and see from a new perspective, to reshape your worldview, and to accomplish new goals. It is a path of self-discovery and will teach you balance and harmony as you connect with all relations as a Co-Creator of life upon this beautiful planet.

To walk the beauty road is to see ourselves as one family in the Circle of Life. May we stand together as dignified human beings and take responsibility to be the most enlightened individuals we can be . . . that is our true purpose.